Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My baby ate her own poop

My lovely sister came for a visit and we spent the week generally running around doing stuff. We were so busy that I neglected to notice that we were completely out of diapers for New Baby, so I ask my lovely sister to remind me as we are en route to a friends house that we need diapers...she does... I ignore the reminder thinking we'll stop once we get closer to our destination.

A few minutes later I hear from the back seat "Ah-kee, Ah-kee!"

I turn to find that New Baby has a chocolate beard and mustache, only I haven't given her any chocolate and she is also extending her index finger toward me, which is also covered in chocolate....I mean shit... Which is exactly what I say:


My sister replies:

"We forgot to get diapers?"

I say:

"No, literally, shit. She is eating her poop."

I start to gag as I tend to do when confronted with the ingestion (by anyone) of feces.

My sister is laughing so hard she is swerving all over the road and is threatening to pee her pants, which would seem at this point seem to be downright hygenic.

Babies are gross.


RedPlanet said...

Welcome to the parents of poop eaters club! I'm feelin ya. In light of these events, you may want to revise your definition of Ah-kee in the BabyTalk entry to reflect that Ah-kee now means I've got poop in the diaper or the mouth.

Auntie Yaya said...

Oh, lordy! Just reading about it sent me right back into fits of teary-eyed laughter. Add that to the list of "Stories they will tell when they are older"...or, at least, "Stories WE will tell when they are older". Love you all!