Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bedtime stories

After watching a ghost movie ( Disney's Haunted Mansion, I think?) with her dad this evening, Old Baby was understandably upset at the notion of going to bed by herself what with all the ghosts she might I laid down with her and we had a lovely chat. I will now recount verbatim what was said:

OB: "I am afraid of being dead"

Me: "Oh, honey, you don't need to be afraid, because when that happens a long time from now, it will just mean that everything is ok with you-nothing will be hurting you or making you'll be perfectly happy, it's just the people that are still alive that remember you who will be sad."

OB: "But how long do I have to stay in the graveyard?"

Me:"Well, after your body dies it gets buried, or cremated, but the part of you that is part that makes you who you are...uh, your soul, well, that doesn't have to stay in the graveyard, it just goes on living somewhere in the universe and everything is ok for you"

OB:"What part inside? Like if I cut my arm off?"

Me: "No, the part of you...well, it's not a part of you like an arm, it's invisible, it's the spirit part that makes you who you are...but you can't see it"

OB: "So am I going to live forever?"

Me: "Kind of, but not like you live here now, because you have a body and people can see you and you have to stay in your body, but when you die you don't have a body anymore so you can be everywhere."

OB: "So when I die, can I see myself?"

Me: "Your body?"

OB: "No, the invisible part inside."

(...and with that I was really stumped. I would guess no, because a.) you don't have a material body to see and b.) even if you could you wouldn't have any eyes to see yourself with...but what the hell do I know?)

Me: "I'm not sure, I don't think so, maybe."

OB: "So was I dead before I was born?"

(Good question, right? Was she dead before she was born? Did she not exist at all? Why is she asking me these questions? Who in the hell is this kid?)

Me: "Hmmm...not sure...O.k.... well, it's time to go to sleep, I love you, goodnight!"


Auntie Yaya said...

That girl makes me cry tears of absolute happiness. Love her!

Chanda said...

I got Naomi to tell me why she is so afraid to go to the bathroom, go in her room, go in any room where she is alone. She said that she is afraid of ghosts... "Paigey told me that they will take me some place bad". Thanks Paigey.

Funny- any time she comes up with any cockamamie idea and I say "Ne- who told you that?".....


Ah- still being blamed and so many miles away. LOL

GG said...

Way to go Paige! Get right to those heavy metaphysical questions and not only will you get to stay up later, you will keep your Mama up even later pondering how to answer them. You are so smart little girl!