Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I have more and more respect for the worker bees

You all may or may not know that in my previous life I worked as a project manager overseeing the rehab of many a home. It was my main duty to make sure things got done quickly, and cheaply, and correctly. This last part rarely happened (due to the "cheaply" part of the equation), which would prompt me to chastise those doing shoddy work, often while shaking my head in disbelief.

Now that I am working at the rehab of my own home without benefit of large numbers of immigrants to do the actual labor, I am coming to understand exactly why their standards tended to be lower than my own. This shit is exhausting!

This evening I did a test run on the old skim coating technique, and I have come to one conclusion: it is infinitely more difficult than I had imagined. It doesn't really take a great deal of skill, but apparently it requires more patience that I have at my disposal because I will need to apply this joint compound one molecular layer at a time or else it bubbles and does other strange things. At the rate I am proceeding, my bathroom will be finished at never o' clock.

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