Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our latest former friend

Meet Sarah.

Old Baby picked her out of a tank at the supermarket after a great many minutes of examination and discussion. We bagged Sarah up and brought her home to live in our refrigerator for a couple of hours. She loved frolicking amongst the produce and dairy during our brief relationship and thus I didn't feel that bad when B forced her into a pot of boiling water.

Old Baby was thrilled to have a pet that could also be dinner...

New Baby, obviously the less sadistic of my two offspring, seemed unhappy to see Sarah in this condition.

We enjoyed Sarah thoroughly, with the exception of a small portion of her tail which accidentally became contaminated with lobster shit, which tasted exactly like what you might think it tastes like.

And then we had ice cream. Amen.


Auntie Yaya said...

The look on Binky's face is priceless! If only you could bottle that stuff...

RedPlanet said...

Before we make plans to visit ya'll, it was useful to learn that so long as we have had a good time frolicking around in your fridge (preferably on the beer shelf as opposed to the dairy and produce shelf), you will have no remorse about boiling us alive.

Jeanette Nyberg said...

I'm gonna go boil up Farmer now. I didn't realize you were supposed to keep them as pets for a short time and then eat them.

GG said...

Baca Bob had one of his famous clambakes when Aunt Katie was a little girl. She got the lobster body on her plate and cried "The face! Take away the face!!"