Saturday, June 7, 2008


It is approximately 1000 degrees right now.

It's so humid everything feels spongy and sticky and the ants are making inroads into our dining room and kitchen despite my best efforts to eliminate the tasty morsels my children tend to leave scattered about the I fear opening the windows and making it easier for them, and it's hotter and more humid with the windows open anyway. The most comfortable place to be right now is the basement, but that is too horrorshow what with cobwebs, etc.

Did I mention that we now live in Spidertown? I'll have to start photo documenting how many I find in any given day- when I enter the bathroom every night to brush my teeth it isn't a question of whether or not there will be a spider waiting for me, it's a question of where and how many. There is also some type of freakishly huge tarantula type beast that has taken up residence in the vicinity of our trash can and waits for me...this reminds me of when I was a kid and there was another freakishly huge spider that used to wait for me at the bottom of the basement stairs for me. No one believed me-for months I tried to tell my mom and sister why I just couldn't go down there and this was met with a "yeah, right" until the damned thing died and left it's leggy remains where it used to lie in wait for me and I could definitively prove that I was neither hallucinating nor was I any rate I'm a bit surprised by the sheer number and variety of arachnids in the area around our home.

Oh, I forgot the part about taking New Baby to her sandbox today and finding the lid COVERED in some daddy long leg things. Are they nesting there? Is that possible?


Auntie Yaya said...

Sorry I didn't believe you when you told me, lo those many years ago, that you were being stalked by a spider. If it makes you feel any better, I pulled my bedspread down the other night to find a great big black on on my pillow. *shudder*

Auntie Yaya said...

That would be "great big black ONE"...nice!