Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ye Olde Swimmin' Hole

We are fortunate enough to live about 5 minutes from a nice little lake with a public beach. When we first moved here we asked about said beach and were told by several people that it was terrible and that if we were really interested in swimming there was a swim and racquet club down the street that we should join. Of course, now that we are a one income family I find that membership fees to a racquet club don't qualify as a justifiable expense, so I signed Old Baby up for swim lessons at the lake and lo and behold it isn't terrible-quite the contrary.

As one who so recently left the more urban enviornment where the only choice was a chlorinated pool or the fetid E-Coli waters of the city beaches, I have to say shame on those who would take such a nice little childhood memory maker for granted.

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