Monday, July 28, 2008

I am not impressed

Dear Massachusetts Driver,

Prior to joining you here in the Commonwealth, I had been warned about "Boston Drivers" and how crazy they are. For the record-I haven't found this to be the case on any type of large scale and I haven't had any issues with any driver in the city of Boston itself.

That being said, I have begun to notice that there are those of you in and around my home city that are among the worst I've ever encountered...not because of any feats of daring-do or impressive manuevering that blows my midwestern mind. No, you are just assholes for no apparent reason. You aren't even creative, it's the same stunt over and over.

To elaborate, I feel I must first explain that the changing of lanes on a motorway is NOT a slight directed at you personally. Sometimes, there are situations that require one to move one's automobile from the right lane to the left or vice versa. When these events occur, there is a protocol that the rest of the country accepts as common practice; namely, checking the rear view or side view mirror to ascertain that there is room to maneuver, putting one's blinker on in the direction one wishes to move to and then smoothly changing lanes. As I said, this is not an attempt to hurt your feelings. So perhaps you can understand my confusion over why my attempts to move closer to an exit or turn lane are met with the act of you punching the gas in order to close the sizable gap between our cars to prevent me from making the afore mentioned lane change. Usually, you are screaming at me through your closed window as you do so. Usually, you are an over weight middle aged man in a badly maintained car.

I know that on the surface it might seem to you that I am rubbing your nose in the myriad failures that make up your life: your lack of economic success and/or high school diploma, your repulsive visage, etc. I also know that my car being "first" means that you have lost yet another round in the game of life. Let me reassure you once and for all that my attempt to get from point A to point B safely really has nothing to do with any of the above. Driving up onto the sidewalk in order to block me from going through the green light ahead of you isn't going to solve a thing.

I wish that you would learn to accept your lot in life and stop endangering mine.

Many thanks,


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