Monday, July 14, 2008


I know I go back and forth on this frequently, but I am now much more in love with Massachusetts.

As my stepson was visiting these past two weeks, we have done many of the touristy things that one does when they have a house guest. We visited 2 beaches: Hampton (which is actually in NH), and one in Marblehead (aptly named as the beach was SO rough Old Baby hit her head on a huge rock and nearly brained herself while bodysurfing), we visited Salem, took a harbor cruise, hung out around Fanueil Hall and watched the street performers, went to the Aquarium, visited the Ecotarium in Worcester, took the kids fishing (ok, I didn't-B did), went to the little lake by our house several times, ate lots of local seafood and generally felt as though we were on vacation- and we didn't have to travel more than an hour to do any of the above. Next on my list of things to do is take a tour of the mansions in Newport, RI and visit Plimouth Plantation, which is a recreation of the first permanent European settlement in New England.

Based upon these more recent experiences, I am going to go ahead and rank Massachusetts as being much more fun than Illinois. For those of you who care to dispute this: don't bother, my mind is made up and I will just think you are jealous.

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