Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm losing my $#@%!!#$% mind

I will now tell you what a typical day consists of for me:

Get up, get kids up, bathroom, teeth, etc.

Kiss husband goodbye as he runs quickly from the oncoming group of chaos that is his family.

Give kids a bath.

Dress kids. Dress youngest child twice because she sticks arms into bathwater which hasn't yet drained.

Feed kids/drink coffee. Do a load of laundry. Fold 2 loads of laundry.

Clean up kitchen-load/reload dishwasher.

Dress youngest child again because she has put orange slices in her sleeves.

Attempt to do something educational and/or fun with these children. Today we read 3 issues of Highlights magazine and discussed ways to avoid further injury to our heads.

Clean up living room which has become a fort of pillows, etc., necessary for reading.

Feed children lunch.

Dress youngest child again as her sister so thoughtfully gave her a bowl of balsamic vinaigrette to dip her cheese in, which youngest child dumped on table and played in while I was in the pantry putting the crackers away.

Brush teeth again, hunt for shoes- eldest child takes approximately 14 years to tie shoes-panic because we're going to miss the school bus.

Find backpack, throw in granola bar for snack.

Bus arrives, eldest child goes to kindergarten-yay!

Return home, put youngest child down for a nap.

Realize I'm hungry, drink another coffee instead.

Go into living room and spend the next 2 hours scraping paint off the ceiling (see Sweet Calcimine post), spend another 30 minutes cleaning up tremendous mess on floor.

Get youngest child up from nap, check e-mail while cuddling her. No good e-mail.

Walk down to bus stop, fetch eldest child.

Return home and begin the project that I meant to do today- rearrange furniture in the guest room.

Give kids a snack.

Get bed that has been stored in basement out and assemble-discover that it's too big for the mattress and boxspring-put the other generic metal frame underneath and pretend that it is correct.

Give up on this, go downstairs, let kids watch cartoons while I make dinner.

Husband arrives.

We eat, clean up, etc.

Pick up freecycle item, a drafting table to put in guest room so that Old Baby can do her art projects somewhere other than kitchen table.

Return, assemble table.

Help husband and kids carve pumpkins.

(Oh, did I fail to mention the 7 diapers I changed?)

Go upstairs to put away yet another basket of laundry and honest-to-goodness overhear the following question posed by Old Baby:

"Hey Dad... why doesn't mom have a job?"


GG said...

You did not put in the part about the bandaid for Bianca's head. Did the blood come out of the new pajamas...?

Auntie Yaya said...

Two things:
1) I send you good email ALL THE TIME. Apparently, I need to step up my efforts.
2) Bandaid for Bianca's head?? WTF???

RedPlanet said...

I propose you cut out those daily baths for the kids. It will give you more time to scrape paint, fold laundry, and look for a job.