Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Old Baby baby no more

I am feeling a bit wistful today.

Old Baby was a complete asshole earlier this evening, full blown tantrum (complete with kicking walls and slamming doors) that lasted the better part of an hour. Over what? Hmm...well, her best friend came over to play and evidently this is now how we deal with our friends: they aren't allowed to look at, talk to, or be near us. If said friend should attempt to touch any of our toys we snatch them away and scream. Lovely. Oh, and I was also informed that nobody loves her "at all anymore, EVER!!!"

I was angry and frustrated and sad realizing that the baby version of her is long gone and in that infant's place is this other human being with all these complexities and desires and angst. I don't wish that I had the baby version back-that was fraught with peril of another sort- I just wish that I didn't have to get all emotional and teary eyed and maternal about the passing of time and how fleeting all of this is.

She's probably sleeping now, I think I'll go look at her for a while.

1 comment:

RedPlanet said...

And here I thought my old baby was her best friend! No worry though, he can't yet read, and I won't tell.