Friday, June 20, 2008

Teething is hell

For the past 36 hours, New Baby has done little else but scream bloody murder. This, I assume, because she has two brand new teeth coming in.This constant auditory barrage is making me nervous and exhausted.

Old Baby, jealous of the attention her sister commands, has done little else but I write this she is writhing on the floor whining "mama, mama....mommy...mommy...mama"...and this has the odd effect of making me not so thrilled to be her mommy.

The cherry on top, however, is the PMS I'm currently experiencing, and I have considered running away from home and leaving these two to their own devices...but I won't.

Instead, I just spent a fortune on dietary supplements for myself, and I just know that this time the vitamins and minerals will rush to my brain and solve all my problems by making me happier, healthier and completely capable of doing everything exactly right-this won't be like the last time I spent a fortune on supplements and found myself throwing 90% of them away years past their expiration date vowing never to do that again.

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