Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My husband makes me happy

There have been moments that I've wanted to strangle B with his own tongue, but I am increasingly beginning to appreciate what a good man I've got.

Let me count (some of) the ways:

When it comes to child rearing, not only is he involved, he actually seems to enjoy it.

He likes my cooking. (If you want to get in good with me, just eat what I cook and tell me you love it.)

We have some really good laughs together...and sometimes he laughs so hard he cries...and that makes me laugh harder.

He can fix anything. Really. I watched him take apart a computer to fix it-when I asked him what he was doing, he said "I'm not sure", but when it was put back together it worked. He's also given my car a tune up, installed a railing in our stairwell, and countless other things that I would have paid any amount of money to not have to think about doing. I love people like that.

He made me a CD once that had nothing on it but the song "I Love You" by The Climax Blues Band. (Go ahead and Google it now). So cheesy, and so sappy, and so perfectly exactly what a girl wants to hear.

He's very handsome and has big muscles.

I just felt I should let that be known.

Monday, September 10, 2007